2355 km…

We’re on the road since last Tuesday.

After the first 847 kilometers we were so tired that it even were hard to keep the eyes open while driving. So we spent the first night behind Orleans on a highway rest stop. Luckily our bed we’ve finished building in the morning proved well. You can definitely build a comfortable bed in a car that makes you sleep pretty well up to 10 o’clock. Well rested, there was a not so perfect coffee from the machine and we went towards Spain.

What we have not thought of, were the Pyrenees in northern Spain. We loved the mountains and the scenery there, but at night, heavy snow has shocked us in the mountains. An eternally long line of cars and trucks has fought there on only one freeway lane through snow drifts and ice on the road and we were right in the middle.


It felt like every 50 meters a truck or car crashed into the crash barrier. In the news announced more than 300 accidents that night. After 894 kilometers we had to stay once again at a motorway station because of the snow.
